The Youth Department would like to invite you to attend our Youth/Children Retreat at Shalom-by-the-Lake, February 17-20, 2023.
The theme is: “Social Media: Curse or Blessing?”
NOTICE: Due to a change of speakers, Alex Gurduiala will be our main speaker.
Friday, February 17, 2023
5:53 pm Opening the Sabbath: Marian Sirbu
Hymn: More About Jesus #87
7:00 pm Dinner
Sabbath, February 18, 2023
8:00 am Morning Worship: Marta Sirbu
8:15 am Breakfast
9:30 am Sabbath School: Chance Amidedieu
Hymn: Lord, We Come Before Thee Now #13
Review Lesson: The Eternal Law of God, Bianca Sirbu
New Lesson: The Mystery of the Gospel, Rhoda Oprisan
Youth class: George Schiopu
Children class: Biljana Zic
Hymn: Sweet Promise is Given #570
11:00 am Divine Service
Welcome: Alex Lukic
Hymn: Heir of the Kingdom #558
Tithes and offerings
Sermon “Keeping With the Times” Alex Gurduiala
Hymn: I Am Thine, O Lord #331
1:00 pm Lunch
3:30 pm Youth Program "Social Media: How it Works"
Hymn: We Praise Thee, O God #26
Welcome: Kristina Hanuska, Beraca Joseph
Children’s Program: Julie Lombard
Presentation “How Can it be Used?”: Jenny Pintea, Jully V. Cancado
Presentation “How Does it Work?”: Josh Villalobos Cancado
Presentation “The Potential”: Oliver Zic
Hymn: Sound the Battle Cry #650
5:54 pm Closing the Sabbath: Jacob Hanuska
Hymn: Abide With Me #39
Outdoor Activities
7:00 pm Dinner
Indoor Activity: Escape Rooms, Alex Cancado and Josip Zic
Sunday, February 19, 2014
8:30 am Morning worship: Maya Poznic
9:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am Welcome
Hymn: Let Us Sing a Song #446
Study “Using Media to Reach the World” Etienne Lombard
Hymn: Rescue the Perishing #459
Workshop “Optimizing Media Use in the ECFC” Ina Lukic, Kaitlin Hanuska
Children: “Using Our Time Wisely” Julie Lombard
Training: “Putting it into Practice on” Etienne Lombard
Hymn: They Come from the East and West #459
1:00 pm Lunch
Outdoor Activities
3:30 pm Welcome
Hymn: Christ, Our Mighty Captain #375
Study: “Staying Safe on Social Media” Alex Gurduiala
Hymn: My Faith Has Found a Resting Place #276
Workshop: “Youth Questions for Pastors” Walter Lukic
Children: “Doing Unto Others…” Vera Schiopu
6:45 pm Evening Worship, Joe Villalobos Cancado
Hymn: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing #513
7:00 pm Dinner
Outdoor activities
Youth Activity: Sock’em & Photo Booth, Mai Cancado, Biljana Zic
Monday, February 17, 2014
8:00 am Morning worship, Justin Hanuska
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 am Study “The Real You” Dorin Burca
Closing: Final Remarks, Dorin Burca
Hymn: Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus #599
Accommodation: Jacob Hanuska
Program Coordinators: Dorin Burca, Josip Zic
Sabbath School: George Schiopu
Children’s Program: Julie Lombard, Mai Villalobos Cancado, Biljana Zic
Kitchen Coordinator: Julia Burca
Music: Kaitlin Hanuska, Bianca Sirbu, Marta Sirbu
Finances: Lillian Poznic
The Youth Department would like to invite you to attend our Youth/Children Retreat at Shalom-by-the-Lake, February 17-20, 2023.
The theme is: “Social Media: Curse or Blessing?”