“As we are approaching the end of this eventful year, we can observe that everything in this world points to the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we look at the dramatic changes all around us, we feel a burden for our children and youth and wish to help them understand the Word of God and make Jesus their best Friend. Further, we desire to help our youth develop their own religious identity and know how to effectively share the everlasting gospel – the saving truth for this time, with those who have different religious background.
From Sunday, December 27 until Thursday, December 31, 2020, our gospel workers will offer through our Zoom platform (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4634756830?pwd=dGJFS2ZRS2pKV2RyZkxFUXA0WWZ5QT09) a series of daily one-hour presentations entitled, “You Are My Witnesses.” These presentation are designed to equip our youth with the knowledge and skills for winsome witnessing. The presentations will be offered each day at 11:00 am and will take about 40-45 minutes, with some time left for questions and answers. This seminar is open to the children and youth of all ages.
More information about the topics and the presenters you may find in the flyer for this event (“You are My Witnesses”).
Dear youth, we look forward to meeting you soon at our Zoom platform for this event.
May you enjoy your winter holiday season and may God richly bless you and your families as we work to hasten His soon coming!”