2019 East Canadian Field Conference – Make Your Life Count
You are invited to our annual conference in Toronto, Ontario, June 21-23, 2019.
This year the theme of the conference is: Make Your Life Count. Our guests speakers will be Brn. Liviu Tudoroiu and Adrian Finaru.
The theme of the conference – Make Your Life Count – is intended to inform, to educate and to empower our assembly for a fully committed Christian life that would make difference in our lives and the lives of those around us at this late hour of the great controversy. Each church member counts. Each one of us, enlightened and empowered by God can be a great force for good.
To accomplish that goal every Christian needs to know God and to abide in Him by a daily communion. By abiding in Him, Christ’s followers will reveal God’s character of love to others and vindicate God’s government by their obedience to God’s law. This life of vital connection with Christ will fit our characters for eternity and also prepare the way for the return of our Redeemer and King.
The topic outlines are as follow:
1. “Know God”
2. “Commune with God”
3. “Show God’s Love to Others”
4. “Prepare the Way for the Coming King”
As always. we do not charge our visitors for accommodation and food. We appreciate a generous donation to cover our costs. If you need accommodation, please contact Br. Dorin Burca at (905) 977-7724 or dorin_sdarm@yahoo.com no later than June 16.
The place of the conference is:
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
24 Wardlaw Crescent
Etobicoke Ontario M9V 1L2
The conference will begin at 7:00 pm on Friday June 21 and close at about 1:00 pm on Sunday June 23.
We hope to see you there.