Tithes and offerings

"The special system of tithing was found upon a principle which is as enduring as the law of God" 3T 404

This form has the same role as the envelope you will find in church. After the submission of the form, do not forget to send the total amount by Interac transfer. Once the form is submitted, a summary of the amounts entered here will be generated and emailed to you.

If you are not sure where you would like your offerings to go, use General Donation and your offerings will go where most needed.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions

After you submit your form, you have to separately send your money through Interac e-transfer.

Enter your personal information

Enter the following personal information only if you want a tax deductible receipt

Field Conference

The Tithes and Offerings in this section will be sent through your local church to the East Canadian Field Conference and administered by it.

This represents 10% of all our income. It goes to the Field Conference and is used exclusively to support the ministry.
This fund will be used where most needed.
This offering is to support new fields. This freewill offering represents the best result of our work. Nehemiah 10:35
"First Day" Welfare Offerings are those laid up on the first day of the week. They are used for the support of the poor and needy throughout the world.
Offerings given to this fund will be used where most needed.
These offerings express our gratitude for the precious truths we receive through the Sabbath School. These funds are used for general Field expenses.
This is used for the special offerings collected the first Sabbath of every month. See your Sabbath Bible Lesson for more details.
Week of Prayer offerings are used for the support of new missions on a world wide basis.
Used for the support of overseas missions.
Used for the support of overseas missions.

Local church

The offerings in this section will be administered by your local church.

Used for local church expenses.
Used for the publication or purchase of local church literature for missionary work.
Used for local building projects.
Used for the support of the poor and needy locally.

Total: $

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The email address for Interac transfers for Isolated Members is "financesfield@sdarm.ca". Please do NOT forget to send your payment along with this form. Please include your REFERENCE number along with your full name in the details of your Interac transfer. When asked to enter a passphrase, use SDARM.